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Experience the study environment at Mølleparken in central Aarhus, come to an entrepreneurship festival, play with gigantic soap bubbles and learn…
Morten Schmidt presented new results at the Young Investigator Award session at the European Society of Cardiology congress
Research from Aarhus University now shows that screening for diabetes can reduce mortality rates and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases…
A recent international study of patients with colorectal cancer concludes that diagnostic waiting time has a prognostic significance.
The Department of Public Health will need a new department head as of 1 January 2018. The new top man or woman must be visionary and strategic, able…
Close by. That is the mantra behind the decision to relocate the dean’s office – and associated functions –from the yellow-brick buildings on Nordre…
Liza Strandgaard has been appointed to a tenured position as manager of the pre-graduate area in the Centre for Health Sciences Education (CESU). She…
Are you a member of academic staff, and do you work with personal data? Then AU's information security manager has some questions for you.
During the autumn, the university's photographer will visit Health's different locations and take portrait photos of employees. Make an appointment –…
Researchers from Aarhus University and elsewhere have solved a major medical problem in relation to our ability to transplant organs from pigs into…
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