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The three vice-deans have updated descriptions of their areas of responsibilities. This is being done so that the faculty can deliver long-term…
PhD students and Master’s degree students still have time to register for the Medical innovation Day on 6 October, where good ideas can be matched…
Dear all
Please read the latest news.
Tuesday 5 September 2017, Amanda Eskelund from TNU will defend her PhD dissertation "Characterization of tryptophan metabolites in depression and…
IT maintenance work will affect AU’s IT systems and services and cause interruptions at different times during the weekend of 9 and 10 September 2017.
The Introduction Day is Aarhus University’s official event to welcome new members of staff. During the Introduction Day, you will find out more about…
When the only surviving relative of the deceased king of Nigeria contacts you to say that he recently inherited USD 63 million and needs your help in…
Do you think that a cancer diagnosis is a death sentence? Your answer seems to be associated with whether you know someone with cancer. Results from a…
A new study from Aarhus University shows that replacing cheese, milk or soured whole milk with e.g. yoghurt with a high fat content is connected to a…
Minister for the Environment and Food of Denmark, Esben Lunde Larsen, has decided that all the ministry’s contracts with universities offering…
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