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DEBATE: How do we prepare the students to function in a world that is constantly changing? This is the question that the healthcare study programmes…
The future of the public health degree programmes will be on the agenda when the Vice-Dean for Education Charlotte Ringsted together with the…
A completely new spin-out company has just been named the best biotech start-up – and has at the same time received DKK 2.5 million from The Novo…
Researchers from Aarhus University have discovered that patients with the RBD sleep behaviour disorder lack dopamine and have a form of inflammation…
Associate Professor and PhD Magdalena Janina Laska from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital receives DKK 500,000 from the NEYE Foundation…
If you are involved in education and teaching, then the annual education fair at Health is a must. Register now as the deadline is fast approaching.
Through a large-scale collaboration between researchers from the Department of Clinical Medicine, the Department of Biomedicine and the Department of…
Rehabilitation of the hands and arms following a stroke does not have to follow traditional occupational therapy and physiotherapy. Researcher Iris…
Thee hundred clinical researchers indulged their curiosity at the 1st Annual Research Meeting at the Department of Clinical Medicine. The goal was to…
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