Now the photographer will come to you
During the autumn, the university's photographer will visit Health's different locations and take portrait photos of employees. Make an appointment – and get help updating the contact information in your PURE profile as well.
If the photo of you in PURE needs to be replaced, and your contact information is out of date, then now is the time to do something about it. During the autumn, you can get a new portrait photo taken – almost without leaving your office. At the same time, an extra-large team of personal data editors are waiting to help you if your contact information needs updating.
Make an appointment and get your photo taken
The photographer will visit most of Health's addresses, and you can make an appointment already now. The first department to get a visit is the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health on 27 September. The other departments will follow during October and until mid-November.
The final deadline for registering for photography is three days before the visit. Please fill the appointments so we avoid gaps in the schedule.
Once you have made an appointment with the photography, it is important that you check the list on Health's staff page for details of where it will take place (i.e. building and room) shortly before the date of the appointment.
Contact your personal data editor
If master data (title, unit and contact information) on your PURE profile is inadequate or outdated, you can contact your local personal data editor and get help to enter the new information in the system. You can always ask your secretariat if you are unsure about who your personal data editor is. Alternatively, you are welcome to contact the communication department’s web experts by email: They can also help you to update your master data.
If you have any questions about either the photography or contact information editing, you are welcome to contact
Why is the update necessary?
The PURE profiles are the public image of the faculty, departments and the individual employee, as well as their internal image. It is therefore important that the PURE profiles are up to date, and that they have a uniform and recognisable look.
Read more about the faculty's focus on better PURE profiles in the article Is your PURE profile up to date?
If you have any questions or need help with PURE, please contact PURE Support.
Read more about the editing of personal data on AU's staff page.