The Department of Public Health is searching for a new department head
The Department of Public Health will need a new department head as of 1 January 2018. The new top man or woman must be visionary and strategic, able to provide a clear framework and set the direction for the department's operation and development. And he or she needs to be appreciative, visible and a skilled communicator.
The Department of Public Health is searching for a new department head. The current department head Klavs Madsen has been acting in the position since the resignation of Søren Kjærgaard in June 2016, and he will continue until the end of 2017.
The job advertisement (in Danish only) has been published and interested applicants must apply no later than 24 September.
The new department head at the Department of Public Health will be head of 110 full-time equivalents and a budget of DKK 150 million. Primary focus will be on further developing and future-proofing the department's international research profile, study programmes and other activities at the highest academic level.
The position as department head at the Department of Public Health was also advertised in two rounds in 2016. This did result in the right person being found, after which Klavs Madsen was made acting department head, while Niels Trolle Andersen was made acting deputy head of department.
Read more in the article Klavs Madsen appointed acting department head at Public Health