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We are off to a great start in 2020. I hope you enjoyed your Christmas holiday. We make an effort to ensure that the newsletter only contains the most…
Astrophysicist and AIAS fellow Thomas Tauris contributes to our understanding of how dead stars impact gravitational forces. Hereby we are one step…
Medical Doctor and PhD Ninna Aggerholm-Pedersen from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital has been awarded the Danish Cancer Society’s…
Three PhD students from Health at Aarhus University share the sought-after Fogh-Nielsen scholarship. The scholarship totals DKK 140,000 and is awarded…
In keeping with tradition, the faculty’s PhD students gathered for an academic summit to present their research, exchange ideas and meet fellow PhD…
There is concern that the new coronavirus that recently broke out in China might spread to Denmark. AU encourages all employees to monitor updates…
In a new series of articles, University Director Arnold Boon wants to focus on successes in operational tasks carried out in different corners of the…
In this review, Lars W. Andersen and colleagues provide a great overview of all RCTs in Cardiac Arrest, published and on-going.
After a thorough appointment process, Aarhus University has selected astrophysicist Professor Kristian Pedersen as new dean of the Faculty of Natural…
Karl Anker Jørgensen will be joining an impressive group of ground-breaking chemists from all over the world, including several Nobel Prize winners,…
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