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In a recent paper, Oskar Jefsen, Betina Elfving, Gregers Wegener, and Heidi Kaastrup Müller characterize how psilocybin, the psychedelic drug found in…
From the end of November, you can find the IT support at a new online platform. The platform will give you efficient support and will make it possible…
Hjælp os med at undersøge, hvordan hjernen behandler musik.
A new cross-disciplinary centre, in which a number of researchers from Health are involved, will develop brain-machine interface technologies. One of…
A virtual visit from Health’s Advisory Board resulted in a number of specific recommendations. The shared agenda comprised four items:…
An international research group with iPSYCH at the forefront has identified two places in our DNA which contribute to the risk of becoming addicted to…
Keisuke Yonehara has been awarded a Novo Nordisk Project Grant in Bioscience and Basic Biomedicine 2020 with DKK 2.459.520 for 3 years, entitled…
Jelena Radulovic is a new professor of neurobiology at Aarhus University. At the university, she will organise her own laboratory at the Department of…
A new extra sensitive scanning method combined with advanced artificial intelligence can find even small tumours in the liver at a much earlier stage…
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