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The iPSYCH research project has received a third grant of DKK 120 million from the Lundbeck Foundation. The grant means the project remains the…
Eight CaP researchers went to Groningen in Holland in April 2018 to elaborate on the latest research results. Linda Aagaard Rasmussen won the award…
The Inauguration of Center of Proteins in Memory, PROMEMO, took place on 4 April 2018.
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"If you are not directly involved in projects related to the data protection regulation, it is still important that you understand the impact it will…
Registration deadline for this year’s DHL Relay Race is 4 May. Rector Brian Bech Nielsen hopes that many employees will take this opportunity to meet…
A cardiovascular research campus is the first step in a focused effort towards strong research-related positions at Health. A council led by three…
There is a significant decrease in the level of calcium when nerve cells are affected by Parkinson's disease. If the calcium level is kept stable,…
Read the full invitation to the general meeting to take place in the Main Hall on 2 May.
Read the speech by Dean Lars Bo Nielsen at the March for Science event in Aarhus on 22 April 2018.
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