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The Danish National Research Foundation has invested DKK 60 million (EUR 8.07 million) in two new Niels Bohr professorships at Aarhus University.
Rector Brian Bech Nielsen and Pro-rector Berit Eika argue in favour of fewer specialised studies packages in the new upper secondary school reform.
Government plans to partially or completely abolishes tax relief for grants from foundations, something that Danish health research depends on, may…
Researchers at Aarhus University have described how a group of the brain’s transport proteins with important roles in depression and dependence…
Rasmus talked about the frequency of injuries among the Danish population, in relation to a recent investigation by Idrættens Analyseinstitut and…
Consultant and Clinical Associate Professor Jakob Christensen carries out research into the correlation between epilepsy and psychiatric illness. He…
Lene Warner Thorup Boel has been appointed professor at the Department of Forensic Medicine at Aarhus University.
Postdoc Jean Farup has received DKK 213,120 from the Riisfort Foundation. The grant will be used for expanded analyses of the stem cells in muscles.
At Denmark’s Political Festival on Bornholm this year, AU aims to contribute to a more informed debate on the universities and push research higher up…
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