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As of 1 April, Dongik will start as Assistant Professor in Nykjær Group. He will continue his work on the roles of sortilin in emotion and memory…
Dear all, Here are spring impressions from IOOS.
Every year, the Aarhus Institute of Advances Studies (AIAS) receives fellows from all over the world, who come to find space to immerse themselves in…
Both students and teaching staff are losing motivation. In their article in the online newspaper Altinget, Berit Eika and Brian Bech Nielsen write…
The yellow warning banner at the top of mails to AU employees from external senders will have a short life. AU IT has decided to remove it on the…
Professor Gregers Wegener and Associated Professor Rodrigo Grassi-Oliveira from TNU have been aoopinted AIAS associated fellows from 1 April 2021 for…
On 8 March, Aarhus University marked International Women’s Day by hosting the online conference ‘Gender Equality at AU’ for employees and managers.
Aarhus University wants to increase biodiversity in several of the university's green areas. The areas will increase species variation, and can be…
How does pain, missing teeth or dryness in the mouth affect our nutrition? And is there a correlation between what we eat in childhood and our risk of…
After 25 years in the position, Marianne Hokland is stopping as the faculty's coordinating occupational health and safety manager. Here she looks back…
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