Aarhus University Seal

AU Key statistics presents significant statistics for Aarhus University for the year and is intended to provide a common frame of reference for information on the university’s research and educational activities, talent development, knowledge exchange, staff, finances, and buildings. The information is primarily for internal use, but is also included in the performance reporting in the annual report, in reports to ministries and in Universities Denmark’s statistics.

With the exception of a few tables, the key figures for 2023 are for the five faculties as well as shared services, which includes the central administration, the university’s strategic fund (USM), the university’s shared buildings and the Sino-Danish Centre for Education and Research (SDC) and Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS). 

All financial key figures have been converted from Danish kroner to euros at a rate of EUR 1 = DKK 7.42942.

Annual reports

In line with the other state-sector institutions, each year Aarhus University publishes an annual report as required by law. The primary stakeholders are the Ministry of Higher Education and Science, the Danish National Audit Office, the Finance Committee and the Danish Parliament.

The annual report contains the university's auditor-approved accounts, the senior management's report on the academic and financial results of the year as well as a report on developments in regard to the strategic framework agreement with the Minister for Higher Education and Science.