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Sandro Esteves is new honorary professor of reproductive endocrinology at the Department of Clinical Medicine at Aarhus University.
A new study from CESU concludes that the hospitals in the Central Denmark Region are satisfied with the medical doctors who also have a PhD degree…
The first group of exchange students on the medical degree programme have now completed the new international semester – and some of them have had a…
New partnership agreement will contribute towards ensuring continued high quality in healthcare services. The agreement between VIA, Aarhus University…
The deadline for applications for pay increases is 1 March.
Most people know many of the symptoms of cancer and will quickly contact their GP if they experience symptoms. This is the conclusion from a new PhD…
Again this year, AU will be participating in the DHL Relay Race and registration is now open. The registration deadline is 5 May 2017.
Researchers from Aarhus University have found an important piece of the puzzle leading towards an understanding of how our innate immune system reacts…
A new international study carried out by researchers from Denmark, Germany and the USA has discovered that the cells of connective tissue are being…
Poul Nissen, Professor at Aarhus University, is receiving the 2017 Novo Nordisk Prize for his pioneering studies of the structure and function of ion…
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