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Annie Landau receives 2.88 million DKK from the Independent Research Fund Denmark for the project "PET Imaging the effects of Deep Brain Stimulation…
MSc student Frederikke Demant Søholm Larsen will defend her Master's Thesis "The Activin Pathway in Rodent models of Depression: Effects of S-Ketamine…
Throughout the shutdown, the operations department at Health was focused on learning from this extraordinary situation. Their experiences are…
Professor Inger Mechlenburg and Associate Professor Ulrik Dalgas from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital receive a little more than DKK…
As a PhD student and postdoc, you have an advantage in front of everyone else for a brand new and modern home – centrally at Katrinebjerg. Close to…
A new paper from Jørgen Kjems' group at iNANO and MBG describes how expression of non-coding RNA changes during epileptic seizures in rodents.
As of Wednesday 24 June, AU’s buildings are again open to students.
The authors found that inhibiting a specific set of microRNAs (miRNAs) by antisense technology reduced seizure frequency in a mouse model, suggesting…
Holes in the surgical seam are a frequent and serious complication in patients who have undergone surgery in the intestines. Researchers have…
Veteran and classic vehicles rolled out of their garages on 5 June and took part in the Cruise Against Corona. Along the way they helped raise money…
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