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More than 100 research centres across 5 faculties at AU.
Under each faculty you will find a list of research centres.
One of Northern Europe's largest centres for research and education into cultural and social conditions. Arts features research centres in a variety of fields.
Nat encompasses the fields of biology, physics and astronomy, chemistry, geology, mathematics, computer science, molecular biology and nanoscience with focus on sustainable solutions.
Aarhus BSS is one of Europe's largest business schools and houses the country's largest business and social science units at university level.
Tech features research of the highest quality within the fields of engineering, environmental science, agricultural science, animal science and food science.
Health offers research across the entire health sciences spectrum, including medicine, dentistry, sport science and public health with the mission to improve the health of the population.
The interdisciplinary centres include researchers from two or more faculties and at least two of the university's three main activities.