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Fear of dismissal or of losing their authorisation keeps medical doctors trapped in their substance use disorders, and instead of seeking help they…
The salary agreement catalogue for employees at Health has been revised with the department-specific information and layout in particular receiving an…
Søren Riis Paludan, professor at the Department of Biomedicine, has received DKK 10 million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation’s Distinguished…
Internationalisation is a prerequisite for creating world-class health research. This position is at risk if the Danish tax regulations are not…
As part of efforts being made to hone Health’s international profile, a new pool is being made available to support international research…
Honing of core expertise, reflection and more interdisciplinary collaboration are some of the benchmarks in the finished vision for the degree…
Hardly anyone can fail to have noticed that a new data protection regulation comes into force on 25 May this year. The rules and regulations are being…
On the night of 17 April, the official conciliator decided to postpone the strike and lockout for up to two weeks. Aarhus University is still watching…
On the night of 17 April, the official conciliator decided to postpone the strike and lockout for up to two weeks.
The Ministry of Higher Education and Science just approved three new IT industry-oriented new degree programmes: two BSc and one MSc.
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