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At Health, we use AU's logo when we present the faculty’s units on websites, letters, PowerPoint presentations and in printed material. The faculty…
The conference takes place in Ljubljana from 29 September to 1 October 2016
Learn how to communicate briefly and clearly
Danish researchers from Aarhus University Hospital and Aarhus University are behind a possible breakthrough in the treatment of colorectal cancer.
Did you know that it is also possible to participate in the annual celebration’s afternoon programme in the Main Hall? All employees including an…
More academic publications and a higher international citation rate are the main reasons Aarhus University has moved up eight spots on the 2016…
Aarhus University is offering alumni and employees free registration for one of the Danish University Extension’s lecture series. Registration opens…
The online portal is a point of access to all of the university’s services and activities for the upper secondary school sector, and is intended to…
All of Aarhus University's core activities are covered by a new collaboration arising from AU's desire to contribute to growth in society.
Next year, all strategic focus areas will be incorporated in the criteria for the distribution of full PhD fellowships in all four rounds of…
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