Using logo and seal at Health
At Health, we use AU's logo when we present the faculty’s units on websites, letters, PowerPoint presentations and in printed material. The faculty management team has decided that in future, special logos may only be used in exceptional cases.
The faculty management team has decided to continue with the current practice when it comes to the graphic design at Health’s departments and centres.
In April, the senior management team encouraged the faculties to consider the faculty’s units use of AU's logo and seal. Health's decision to continue with the current practice is partly due to financial and administrative considerations, but also a desire to ensure a shared identity, recognisability and graphic context across the faculty.
This means that the following remains applicable:
· We use AU's letterhead logo when Aarhus University is uppermost in upper case letters, and the name of the unit is placed underneath in smaller letters.
· The faculty, its departments, national centres and certain larger centres are the only ones who are permitted to use their own unit name in the letterhead logo. In other words, sections and other smaller units must also in future use the department's letterhead logo.
· Special logos will only be allocated in exceptional cases, and only if there are compelling reasons for this.
· If a unit already has a special logo that has not been approved or allocated by Health, it must be approved by the dean via Health Communication.
· Health opts not to make use of Aarhus University's seal on the faculty's graphic products, though products which are already equipped with the seal are exempt from this opting out.
· The seal will continue to be shown at the bottom of the faculty's websites.
The decisions apply to the entire faculty, thereby also covering all departments, institutes, schools, centres, projects and groups.
· Read more about the use of logos and seals at Health
Further information
Iris Galili
Web Assistant
Health Communication
Mobile: (+45) 5166 6533