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By Allan Flyvbjerg, Dean of the Faculty of Health, Aarhus University, Camilla Rathcke, Chair of The Danish Association of Junior Doctors and Ida Sofie…
Each year thousands of biological and medical research projects have to be scrapped because researchers have the wrong antibodies available in the…
Associate professor Reimar W. Thomsen from Department of Clinical Epidemiology has received a grant of DKK 1,450,000 from the Danish Medicines Agency…
From 2017, medical students at Aarhus University will be able to take business-oriented courses as part of their degree programme. This will benefit…
The article titled: "Influence of the Heel-to-Toe Drop of Standard Cushioned Running Shoes on Injury Risk in Leisure-Time Runners: A Randomized…
Dean of Health Allan Flyvbjerg from Aarhus University will speak for the universities on the government’s recently appointed growth team for the…
Health's new Head of Studies Administration, Anna Bak Maigaard, is looking forward to getting to know her new faculty and discovering what lies…
AU's IT systems and IT services will be put out of operation shortly in the weekend 3 - 4 September 2016.
The PhD course calendar for Spring 2017 will open 25 October at 10 o’clock. Please note that a list with dates and a short description of the upcoming…
AU IT is working to improve the stability of eduroam, AU’s free wireless network for students and employees. This means that starting on 15 August,…
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