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Peter Christensen has just been appointed professor at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital. The professorship is affiliated with the…
Aarhus University has just appointed Cecilia Høst Ramlau-Hansen as professor of reproductive epidemiology. One of her areas of research looks at why…
A study from Aarhus University helps our understanding of the causes that may lie behind obesity and overweight.
Over the next few days, 4,000 expats will receive an invitation to participate in Expat Study 2014, the most comprehensive and in-depth survey to date…
Eva Greibe from Aarhus University won the PhD Cup Live event that was broadcast live on Monday evening on the Danish TV channel DR2. She won the event…
There are big differences in how successfully people with schizophrenia interact with other people socially. This is revealed by research done by the…
Research year student at Department of Clinical Epidemiology Tobias Pilgaard Ottosen has received ”The Young Investigator Award” of EUR 500 at the…
Wednesday, June 11th, between 10:00-12:00
Thomas Corydon from Aarhus University has just received DKK 125,000 from the Riisfort Foundation. The grant will be used for research into the eye…
Henrik Toft Sørensen has just been elected chairman of a new Coordinating Body for Register-based Research. The purpose of the new body is to…
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