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Peter Vedsted from Aarhus University has just received the Magda and Svend Aage Friederich Commemorative Scholarship. He receives the scholarship for…
Let me hear your voice, and I’ll give you a diagnosis. While this might sound like science fiction, it’s not far off the goal of a research project at…
An interdisciplinary centre creating
new knowledge about human interaction
The Interacting Minds Centre for the Study of Cognition, Communication and Choice. Specific abilities for interaction are key to being human.…
Professor Peter Hokland and his research team from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital have received two grants to conduct research into…
A new study published by Aarhus University gives the lie to the conventional wisdom that Americans are particularly critical of the welfare state,…
How do our brains process the language that we hear? This is the kind of thing that is studied by associate professor Mikkel Wallentin from the…
Literature isn’t just enjoyable. It can be useful, too. Researchers at the Interacting Minds Centre regard literature as a form of mental technology…
It’s hard to imagine this. But Andreas Roepstorff, sitting in front of me in a corner office with a view of the Nobel Park in Aarhus, was once a…
Ole Hilberg from Aarhus University (AU) and Aarhus University Hospital (AUH) is part of a research team that has just received a grant from…
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