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If a student collects personal data on others for use in an assignment, she must comply with the personal data protection rules in the GDPR. They can…
Lars Henrik Andersen, professor and former department head, will become acting dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology when Niels Christian…
The research year will be preserved with the help of alterations including the final report with internal co-examination being replaced by an…
The Faculty of Science and Technology at Aarhus University has grown so large that the rector is now proposing to split it into two faculties. The…
The annual nationwide Festival of Research is drawing closer. This year, Aarhus University will be opening its doors to the general public on…
Dental care and treatment must be integrated into the strategy for a unified closer to home healthcare service, write the country's four deans of…
Just under 400 PhD students gave flash talks, poster presentations and auditorium presentations as the PhD programme at Health held its annual PhD…
The national programme to find a replacement for STADS has been christened Kopernikus.
Would you like to contribute to developing sustainable initiatives at AU? Join us for a sustainability seminar 21 March. The programme includes…
During last autumn, employees and PhD students at Health had the opportunity to apply for funding to either visit or receive a visit from the…
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