Just under 400 PhD students gave flash talks, poster presentations and auditorium presentations as the PhD programme at Health held its annual PhD Day. Watch the short video from the day and get a feel for the atmosphere.
The Lakeside Lecture Theatre was already packed as Vice-dean for Talent Development Lise Wogensen Bach welcomed everyone to the PhD Day 2019. As well as presentations from hundreds of PhD students, research year students and students from Health's honours programmes, the day also featured the traditional specially-invited keynote speakers from abroad. This year’s event featured Professor Thomas F. Lüscher, editor-in-chief of the European Heart Journal and Barry Stainthorp, communication specialist and co-founder of Partners in Training.
The day was filled with many exciting poster presentations and auditorium presentations and, in a new feature, students also had the chance to present their research projects in a flash-talk session. This is where the speaker has just two and a half minutes and a maximum of four slides to give the audience a lightning-fast insight into his or her project.
Experience a little of the atmosphere from the PhD Day 2019 in the video here:
See the list of all the winners from today's presentation sessions.
Read more about the three finalists in the Fogh-Nielsen competition
– and watch their short video presentations.
You can also watch the video of the 2019 PhD Supervisor of the Year, Ole Mors, who received the award at the evening event at the PhD Day 2019.