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Researchers at Aarhus University have received DKK three million towards a project that will conduct research into preventing and treating polycystic…
Or want some help translating your ideas into practice? Then come along to Health’s EDU IT Week from 8-12 April 2019. You can learn something new,…
It is important that the medical degree programme continues its close affiliation with the research-intensive, clinical units and research…
From 1 February 2019, Associate Professor Irene Dige is new director of studies at the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health. As director of…
Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital are receiving DKK 7.3 million from the Danish Health and Medicines Authority’s special pool. The…
Danish Diabetes Academy (DDA) will allocate a number of 1-year co-funding industrial PhD scholarships and industrial postdoc fellowships in 2019-2021…
If you collect personal data on others for use in an assignment, you must comply with the personal data protection rules in the GDPR. They can get…
If a student collects personal data on others for use in an assignment, she must comply with the personal data protection rules in the GDPR. They can…
On Friday 1 February, five researchers from Aarhus University were awarded a Semper Ardens grant by the Carlsberg foundation. A total of 13 grants…
In order to build on the ideas from the AU conference on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals on 4 February, the Committee for Research and External…
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