Increase awareness of your research – join the Festival of Research
The annual nationwide Festival of Research is drawing closer. This year, Aarhus University will be opening its doors to the general public on Wednesday 24 April from 14:00-18:00 in and around Stakladen, and the theme of the event is FASCINATING RESEARCH. This is an opportunity for you and your fellow researchers to present your work to a popular audience.
Historically, at least 1,000 members of the general public visit us during the Festival of Research, which is a free event open to all. In addition, the promotion of the event will draw great attention to Aarhus University’s activities, among other things through the distribution of the event programme to approx. 150,000 households in and around Aarhus, banners in the city, as well as direct marketing to relevant stakeholders. We also make a special effort to generate media coverage of the event and the research that is presented.
This year’s focus is fascinating research The goal is to give the general public an impression of the entire spectrum of fascinating research which contributes to Aarhus University’s international reputation as a broad, research-intensive university of excellence. The theme is intended to encourage the communication of a broad variety of research fields to a wide audience. All academic staff from all faculties are welcome to contribute activities, and the Festival of Research is an excellent opportunity to increase public awareness of your research area. How to get involved Both seasoned researchers and junior research talents can get involved, and all proposals for activities are welcome: the more spectacular, inspiring and interactive, the better. You can present your research through one of the following types of activities, which have previously been well-received by the public:
• Speed lectures lasting 10 or 20 minutes (including question time) in a lecture room, in which you present your field of research in an engaging and entertaining way.
• A stand in Stakladen with hands-on experiments, workshops, exhibits or other activities that involve visitors. • Interdisciplinary panel discussions or workshops that involve the audience.
Find out more at, or contact AU’s Festival of Research project manager: Charlotte Boel, tel. +45 8715 3038/+ 45 3069 8081 or email:
About the Festival of Research
The Festival of Research is a nationwide knowledge festival that takes place each year in late April (week 17), with more than 700 events and 70,000 visitors. The Festival of Research was established by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science, and one of the goals of the festival is to celebrate the fundamental dimension of curiosity in research and to create more relationships between researchers and society. Read more at