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Clinical Epidemiology has published a special Thematic Series consisting of 55 papers on the Danish clinical quality databases – an important and…
.... for participating in the 11th Psychiatry Research Day, November 3rd 2016.
It is time for course evaluations again. This means that all lecturers must use Blackboard, which has undergone a wide range of improvements since the…
New figures give a pointer on who receives PhD scholarships at Health. And they are not dominated by medical doctors. The figures can provide…
Good leadership, better communication and less stress. Health's action plan puts the good working life centre stage.
Guest lecture by Professor MSO Ayo Wahlberg on 1 December
The adjusted study progress reform came into force on 1 September 2016, and the rules have finally fallen into place this summer. Both students and…
Does your research group need an animal model, optical microscopy, expertise in hyperbaric physiology or...? A new website provides an overview of…
Hosted by the Society of Medical Student Research on March 16-19 2017
You are looking at the faculty's newsletter, INside Health. This is the first time the newsletter has been published in English.
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