Aarhus University Seal

Psychological WPA: The faculty's action plan is ready

Good leadership, better communication and less stress. Health's action plan puts the good working life centre stage.

Since May 2016, employees and management at Health have been working locally on the follow-up to the psychological WPA in various forums. Everyone – both departments and administrative units – has provided input to the faculty's overall action plan, which has just been adopted.

Health's action plan focuses on three focus areas and goals.




Good leadership in the daily work life

Increased visibility and clarity through communication
Recognition and constructive communication from colleagues and management

Focus on a culture of recognition, dialogue and feedback

Prevention of work-related stress

Reduction of stress levels

The action plan for Health was adopted by the faculty management team on 27 October 2016 and sent to AU HR. The next and final step in the process is for the faculties to present each of their action plans at a meeting of the Main Occupational Health and Safety Committee and the Main Liaison Committee on 19 December 2016.

Initiatives launched locally
With the faculty's overall action plan, Health has established a shared, general consensus and a springboard to improve the psychological work environment. It has to function in the various environments, where the initiatives are targeted the departments' individual challenges. 

In mid-November 2016, management at the local units, including the departments, will inform employees about the local action plans and specific initiatives.