New website signposts the core facilities
Does your research group need an animal model, optical microscopy, expertise in hyperbaric physiology or...? A new website provides an overview of the facilities that researchers at Aarhus University and other universities can utilise.
It is tempting to claim that you can find everything you need here when talking about the collection of core facilities at Health. A new website provides a complete overview of the facilities, which are service units, that researchers at Aarhus University and other universities and hospitals can benefit from. The aim is to increase awareness and ensure that the equipment – which is often expensive – is utilised in the best possible way.
Core facilities cover special equipment and special competences to perform detailed analyses, measurements and tests, which will often be impossible for individual research groups to allocate resources to. The core facilities at Health help to maintain an active scientific environment and are thus of great value for the research environments.
Health currently has 14 core facilities covering a broad academic scope. The facilities range from advice and consultancy (BIAS, Biostatistical Advisory Service) over hormone analyses for improved diagnostics and treatment (The Medical Research Laboratories), to anthropometric measurements, physiological exercise testing (FIT – the Physical Fitness Testing Core Facility) and tailor-made analyses of medicines and illegal substances (The Bioanalytical Unit, Department of Forensic Chemistry). In addition, there is access to breeding of laboratory animals and livestock facilities. As well as much more. See all of Health's core facilities on the new website.