Are you aware of the new study progress reform rules?
The adjusted study progress reform came into force on 1 September 2016, and the rules have finally fallen into place this summer. Both students and lecturers should be aware of the change in practice.
To begin with, students had to register for courses themselves. Then they did not have to anymore. But now they have to again. Due to changing political announcements, the rules for study progress have changed several times during recent years. Since the spring, study administration and the boards of studies have been working intensively to put the latest changes into practice, and the newest set of rules and regulations has now finally fallen into place at Health.
The students have been informed about the new rules, but it is also a good idea for members of the teaching staff to be aware of the most important changes.
The students need to be aware of the rules precisely at this time, as they are responsible for registering for their courses. Registration takes place between 1-7 November. A limit has been introduced for the maximum time to degree, which means there can be consequences if students forget to register and are thereby delayed.
"We cannot dictate student behaviour, but we are interested in seeing them complete their degree programme within the prescribed study period, as delays can result in fines being levied on the university. They can lead to cutbacks, which in the end negatively affects the quality of the degree programmes, and thus also the students themselves. Of course we want to avoid this," says Charlotte Ringsted, Vice-dean for Education at Health.
New requirements to ensure progress
The students will be automatically registered for the first exam attempt when they are registered for a course. If they do not participate, the first attempt is used. On the other hand, they must themselves register for any re-examination. In addition, a first-year exam has been introduced for all Bachelor's degree programmes, along with a new active participation requirement of 45 ECTS per year for the students.
The rules can be read here (in Danish only), and the Student Counsellors' Office is, as always, ready to help students by answering any questions they may have.
Further information
Vice-dean for Education at Health Charlotte Ringsted
Mobile: (+45) 9350 8222