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Won Yong Kim has been appointed professor at Aarhus University, where he will continue his research into MRI scanning of the heart and blood vessels.
An event of almost historical significance will take place when two of the most important profiles in child psychology, Robert Goodman and Michael…
The Aarhus University Research Foundation has just published a call for applications for AUFF NOVA grants and AUFF Starting Grants in 2016.
Unfortunately, the deduction for transport between home and work has been calculated incorrectly in some annual tax statements for 2015.
RUNSAFE continues to grow, and has now positioned Martin Amadeus Rahbek as technical and administrative personel.
New Danish research shows that the chance of pregnancy through in vitro fertilisation (IVF) is affected by the composition of bacteria in the vagina.
Between 15 March and 1 October 2016, three cark parks at the University Park will be reserved for AU employees and guests between 7:00 and 17:00 on…
Between 15 March and 1 October 2016, three car parks at the University Park will be reserved for AU employees between 7:00 and 17:00 on weekdays as…
Aarhus University invites all staff members to participate in the DHL Relay Race in Aarhus, Odense and Copenhagen. Registration is open until 4 May…
Consumers and tax payers lose out when EU lobbyists fight the cause of producers. Researcher from Aarhus BSS recommends that lobbyism should be…
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