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RUNmama is at new running project for mothers who have given birth to their youngest child in the period 2011-04-01 to 2015-04-01.
The 26th Annual Meeting of the Diabetic Neuropathy Study Group of the EASD is open for registration!
On the new QS World University Ranking, Aarhus University is ranked in the top 100 in thirteen subjects – and in the top 50 in three of these.
The study progress reform: Clear requirements and targeted student guidance will ensure that AU maintains the quality of its degree programmes while…
AU Library is conducting a survey of students at Aarhus University to measure the quality of the services that AU Library provides.
New research from Aarhus University shows that common painkillers (NSAIDs) have more side effects than we think, and that it should be used with great…
Torkell Ellingsen has just been affiliated with Aarhus University and The University Clinic for Innovative Patient Care Pathways at Silkeborg Regional…
Robert Fenton has received a Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Individual Fellowship together with his colleague from Aarhus University, Qi Wu.
Professor Søren Riis Paludan from Aarhus University is heading the project that the Lundbeck Foundation has chosen to support. The project will study…
For the eighth year in a row, the Society for Medical Student Research (SMS) at Aarhus University welcomes students and others to a four day congress…
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