Aarhus University Seal

Updated: IT systems and IT services will be out of operation on 3 - 4 September

AU's IT systems and IT services will be put out of operation shortly in the weekend 3 - 4 September 2016.

Updated plan for limited IT on 3 and 4 September.


On Saturday, STADS, Blackboard (LMS), WAYF, IDM, AROS, mit.au.dk, shared drives, print, telephony, BI and financial management systems and SharePoint will be subject to periodic service interruptions with periods - primarily from 00:01 to 19:00.

In addition, AU mail, TYPO3/websites, networks (wired/wireless), AV equipment and other IT services may be affected by service interruptions for short periods of time.

On Sunday there are no planned service interruptions, but there will be tests of Saturday's service work until noon, after which IT will again function normally.

On Friday 26 August, a detailed plan for the weekend’s maintenance work will be available at driftstatus.au.dk, where you can follow the progress of the work. In addition, you can follow the work on Twitter @AUITdrift.


Please contact us at driftstatus.it@au.dk if you have any questions.