New article from Laurent Malisoux and Daniel Theisen published!
The article titled: "Influence of the Heel-to-Toe Drop of Standard Cushioned Running Shoes on Injury Risk in Leisure-Time Runners: A Randomized Controlled Trial With 6-Month Follow-up." was published in the August issue of The American Journal of Sports Medicine!
RUNSAFE collaborators Laurent Malisoux and Daniel Theisen publishes their most recent work titled:
"Influence of the Heel-to-Toe Drop of Standard Cushioned Running Shoes on Injury Risk in Leisure-Time Runners: A Randomized Controlled Trial With 6-Month Follow-up.",a Randomized Controlled Trial investigating the effects of running-shoe cushioning on the risk of running-related injuries.
The article was published in the August issue of The American Journal of Sports Medicine, one of the highest ranking journals within the fields of Orthopaedics and Sports Sciences.
Congratulations to our friends in Luxembourg, and great work!