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Associate Professor of Forensic Chemistry and Head of Section of Narcotics Analysis Christian Lindholst is the new head of the Department of Forensic…
Assisted by Danish researchers, Belgian researchers have discovered how parasites in African tsetse flies cheat an otherwise intelligent immune…
Ph.d.-prisen tildeles til en ph.d. eller erhvervsforsker udgået fra et dansk universitet eller højere læreanstalt. Prisen skal gives for en særlig…
We are very pleased to announce that the famous Medical Doctor and Science Communicator Peter Lund Madsen (DMSc) will be main speaker at The PhD Day,…
Isolation is crucial to stopping the spread of highly infectious diseases such as, for example, swine flu, but at the same time there is a risk of…
Thanks to Danish researchers, in future African women will perhaps no longer have to travel for days to get to medical clinics to have their children…
New research from Aarhus University shows that many backpackers do not know the risks and symptoms associated with dengue fever. They therefore risk…
Denmark will soon have to respond to the global increase in the number of cases of multi-resistant tuberculosis. The serious variant of the disease is…
More and more people are fitted with artificial knees, hips and other implants, but many end up with chronic infections as a result of the implants.…
Despite the many advances of modern medicine, infectious diseases remain a threat to people's lives and health in all parts of the world. Researchers…
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