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A researcher from Aarhus University just received a prestigious international award for his research into chemical substances and their health…
Gitte Graverholt will be heading ACTIVE institute as from September 2013. ACTIVE institute receives funding from Aarhus University’s projects in the…
The Danish Body of External Co-examiners for Medicine is looking for new co-examiners. If you’re interested, please send your application to the…
Aarhus University is awarding an honorary doctorate in health sciences to a researcher of the highest international standard. Professor Sander…
Sven Erik Nørholt has taken up a position as clinical professor at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital. He specialises in jaw surgery and…
Art can blow you away. That was what the young electrician Jens Erik Sørensen experienced, causing him to change direction and take up art history at…
Associate Professor of Forensic Chemistry and Head of Section of Narcotics Analysis Christian Lindholst is the new head of the Department of Forensic…
Assisted by Danish researchers, Belgian researchers have discovered how parasites in African tsetse flies cheat an otherwise intelligent immune…
Ph.d.-prisen tildeles til en ph.d. eller erhvervsforsker udgået fra et dansk universitet eller højere læreanstalt. Prisen skal gives for en særlig…
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