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It is well documented that the Arctic is warming at a rate 3-4 times above the global average, that sea ice is melting, glaciers retreat and…
Aarhus University has once again been given a positive institutional accreditation by the Danish Accreditation Council. Pro-rector Berit Eika calls…
A new Danish study shows that children without siblings or with half- or step-siblings enter puberty significantly earlier than children with…
When I first arrived in Denmark from India, I knew how to ride a bike but had never dared to cruise on the chaotic busy streets of Mumbai. Little did…
Volunteer student ambassador Linus Holm Foged helps international students find their bearings in Aarhus. Through the ‘Dare to Danish’ programme, he…
Four Indian alumni answer the most frequently asked questions about the odds of finding a job after graduating from Aarhus University in Denmark.
Researchers at Aarhus University are the first to identify the specific cell group in the brain that plays a central role in our ability to…
Aarhus University, the University of Copenhagen and University of Oxford are now joining forces to create a new Pioneer Centre that will become a…
More than 7,600 applicants have been offered a student place at Aarhus University – the highest number in AU’s history. This increase is mainly due to…
Climate change, drought, increased temperature and other stressors challenge agricultural sustainability. Researchers have now made an unexpected…
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