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The election to the Aarhus University board will take place in November 2019. Two employee representatives will be elected from among the academic…
Petra will be in Anders Nykjær's lab until 17 December. She studies molecular biology and genetics at Masaryk University in Czech Republic. Petra will…
Today, Aarhus University is celebrating its 91st anniversary with visits from the distinguished alumna Marianne Dahl and the Danish Minister for…
The work on AU’s physical development is progressing according to plan. The faculties and departments involved are in the process of identifying their…
Anders Sjørslev Schmidt, PhD student at Research Center for Emergency Medicine, has just presented his new study on maximum-fixed energy shocks for…
Researchers from the Research Center for Emergency Medicine are launching a new research project dealing with the use of defibrillators on children.
The working group for entrepreneurship has come up with a number of proposals and principles for the future AU incubator for entrepreneurship and what…
Mogens Jensen, Minister for Food, is launching ten projects totalling DKK 90 million. Among other things, the projects aim to find solutions to…
Intravascular versus surface cooling for targeted temperature management after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: an analysis of the TTH48 trial.
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