Aarhus University's board needs a new member of academic staff from the “wet” sciences
The election to the Aarhus University board will take place in November 2019. Two employee representatives will be elected from among the academic staff, with one of them coming from the so-called “wet” academic fields which cover Science and Technology and Health.
If Aarhus University’s activities, direction and development are what interests you, then here is your chance to make your influence felt by standing for election to AU’s board.
There will be a meeting with information about nominations for the election on Wednesday 25 September 2019 15:00 - 16:30 in ’The Leaning Room’ (1525-626) at the Department of Physics. At the meeting, anyone with an interest in working on the board can find out more about what this involves and the whole process. The academic council at Health encourages everyone with an interest to take part in the meeting.
The board is Aarhus University’s highest governing body and it safeguards the university’s interests as an institution of research and education. The board determines the framework for the university's organisation and sets long-term goals for its activities and development.
Want to find out more?
If you would like to find out more about the work of the board, you are welcome to contact the current academic staff members of the board, Susanne Bødker bodker@cs.au.dk or Søren Pold pold@cavi.au.dk. You can also contact Olav W. Bertelsen olavb@cs.au.dk for further information about the nomination meeting.