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Some migraine patients can cut down on medication or stop using it completely by using a newly developed inhaler which changes the composition of the…
Everyone is welcome to attend Health's Education Fair on 13 December 2018. The day will feature presentations by students and experts that are…
Last week, the two programme groups being launched in the Human First partnership, which comprises VIA University College, the Central Denmark Region…
"Just do it! Working on inventions is instructive and fun” is the advice from Consultant, PhD Niels Katballe. As a surgeon and clinical researcher, he…
Per Rugaard Poulsen has been appointed professor at Aarhus University. Here he will conduct research into how to give the best radiation therapy with…
On 8 October, the Faculty of Health will inaugurate the Department of Biomedicine's new research building, which is named after the recently deceased…
You can now order AU business cards and envelopes through a new ordering system, which also provides more opportunities for use of the AU seal and…
A team of researchers from Aarhus University and the University of São Paulo have demonstrated that the compound cannabidiol from the cannabis plant…
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