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Professor and Head Dentist Sven Erik Nørholt from AU and AUH receives Zendium's research prize for his research into maxillofacial surgery and…
Talented junior researchers who apply for large external grants from e.g. ERC and the Innovation Fund Denmark, will in future be matched with an…
If the mother smokes during pregnancy, there is a risk of her children going into puberty earlier. This is shown by a major study from Aarhus…
The more weeks a women takes pain-reliving medication during pregnancy, the earlier their daughters enter puberty. This is shown by a new study from…
Lars W. Andersen from Aarhus University has just defended his higher doctoral dissertation on cardiac arrest in hospital.
Associate Professor Christian Vægter from the Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, is part of a consortium of researchers who have just…
On Friday 5 October 2018, researchers and PhD and Master's degree students from three different faculties at AU gathered to exchange ideas and to…
Congenital genetic defects can lead to failures of the immune system, so it cannot defend the body against the microorganisms that we are constantly…
Professor, Department Chair Toke Bek from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital has received an award for his research into eye diseases…
In connection to the inauguration of the Skou building, named for Nobel Prize winner Jens Christian Skou, we sat down with the daughter of the newly…
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