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RUNSAFE and their Australian collaborators, with Adam Hulme in front, has produced the first sports injury article using sophisticated computational…
A new course for AU managers will provide insight into fundamental leadership skills. The course is aimed at both new and more experienced,…
Daniel Ramskov et al. has published the manuscript in Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy.
Cognitive impairments often manifest premorbidly during adolescence with the largest effect observed for IQ. Poorer school achievement (a proxy for…
This study presents a new approach to investigate the urban-rural differences in schizophrenia risk by focussing on the association between natural…
Unbiased estimates of the 22q11.2 deletion population prevalence, mortality, disease risks, and diagnostic trajectories are lacking. Hence, we…
A new meta-analysis of more than 135,000 people with major depression and 344,000 controls has identified 44 genomic variants, or loci, that have a…
An engineer and a pain and muscle researcher pooled their knowledge to create a product that helps bruxism (teeth grinding) and provides a restful…
The Danish Parliament today agreed on new more flexible rules for sideline activities and volunteer work for international employees. The changes to…
VIDEO: The faculty management team is intensifying its efforts in the fight for external research funding. This means that all applications from DKK…
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