Aarhus University Seal

More ReAP will benefit everyone

VIDEO: The faculty management team is intensifying its efforts in the fight for external research funding. This means that all applications from DKK 100,000 and above must now be entered in ReAP, the faculty's system for the registration of applications for funding. The goals are an overview of search patterns and to provide better help for those who need it.

In future, all applications for funding of DKK 100,000 and above must be registered in the ReAP system. The new common lower limit replaces a range of lower limits at Health's five departments. This means that some researchers will find that they will spend more time on administration, while it will be business as usual for others.

The faculty management team have determined the new lower limit and thereby introduced ‘more ReAP’ at Health. This is being done at a time when the faculty's external financing is increasing, but where other faculties and universities are unfortunately securing even larger increases.

Below, Vice-dean for Research Ole Steen Nielsen explains why ReAP is not 'just' a management tool for overview and control, but also a system that benefits everyone and can be used to, for example, further and improve the individual researcher's applications. And just as importantly – save time:

The new lower limit of DKK 100,000 comes into force immediately.


Vice-dean for Research Ole Steen Nielsen
Email: osn@au.dk
Mobile: (+45) 2476 5093