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The Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) has granted a total of DKK 192 million to the Sapere Aude research leader programme. Seven out of a total…
A new study from iPSYCH shows that infections in children is tied to subsequent mental illness during childhood and adolescence. This knowledge…
Currently, Rambøll Management Consulting is carrying out a satisfaction survey on behalf of AU IT, because AU IT wants to know more about the level of…
Two researchers from DCE have each received a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation
Assistant Professor and PhD Lin Lin from the Department of Biomedicine receives almost DKK six million from the Independent Research Fund Denmark. The…
The four day course (4 December-7 December 2018), held at Aarhus University, addressed key topics in molecular, cellular and system neuroscience. The…
Signe successfully defended her thesis entitled "Diabetic neuropathy and type 2 diabetes" on 3 December 2018
Research assistant and PhD student at PROMEMO Peter Lund Ovesen will defend his dissertation titled "Implications of SorCS1 in neurodegenerative and…
A new study reveals the kinds of unwanted sexual attention students at Danish universities have been subjected to. Danish universities and the…
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