Aarhus University Seal

Seven extraordinary AU researchers receive Sapere Aude research leader grants

The Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) has granted a total of DKK 192 million to the Sapere Aude research leader programme. Seven out of a total of 34 prestigious grants have been awarded to researchers from Aarhus University. Grants have gone to researchers from all four AU faculties.

The Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) is awarding DKK 192 million to be divided between 34 extraordinary early career researchers with original ideas and strong research leadership ambitions. The fund’s investment provides these young talents with the opportunity to lead their own research teams and carry out research at a high international level. 

“We have made risk-minded investments in the very best researchers, with a focus on innovative research for the benefit of Denmark. These are promising projects that will help set the course for Danish research and create the foundation for new quantum adventures, for example, in addition to making a very direct contribution of knowledge to societal issues,” says Peter Munk Christiansen, chair of the Independent Research Fund Denmark.


The seven newly appointed research directors from all four of AU’s faculties are:

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