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During the spring, teaching staff at Health could apply for funding from a special funding pool to start new international collaborative projects. The…
Being a new employee in a large organisation can be difficult. But now being new to Health will hopefully be a little easier. The faculty has gathered…
Associate Professor and PhD Mette Terp Høybye from Aarhus University and Silkeborg Regional Hospital receives the Carlsberg Foundation's Distinguished…
Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital will now be able to further increase their diabetes research activities after receiving a grant of…
Damsted et al. reveal a new RUNSAFE article in Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy.
Take a look at the Tandem and Synergy programmes – but please read the instructions carefully before you press send! That is one piece of advice to…
There is not much knowledge about the effects of environmental and social impacts on health, quality of life and causes of death. A newly established…
The faculty management team has new goals and activities ready for 2019. Internationalisation, external research funding and recruitment are again in…
The national conference "Danske Kræftforskningsdage" will be held on 29 and 30 August 2019 in Odeon, Odense. The programme appeals widely to…
For the first time ever, biomedical researchers from Aarhus University have unveiled cellular defects that lead to the rare disease hereditary…
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