Aarhus University Seal

PhD defence

Tuesday 5 September 2017, Amanda Eskelund from TNU will defend her PhD dissertation "Characterization of tryptophan metabolites in depression and recovery".

Amanda Eskelund

New knowledge regarding the metabolism of tryptophan in depression and recovery

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that has to be obtained from the diet where it is present in minute amounts. It is necessary for the body to produce serotonin, an important signal transmitter in the brain. However, metabolism of tryptophan additionally gives rise to a series of other products that could impact brain cells unfavourably. The potential role of tryptophan in depression is investigated primarily in a rat model but additionally by using blood samples obtained from depressed patients. The project was carried out by Amanda Eskelund, who is defending her dissertation on September 5, 2017.

Millions of people suffer from depression worldwide; a disease with devastating impacts to the inflicted and society at large. Unfortunately, our knowledge regarding the causes and biological mechanisms of depression is very limited, which may explain why we still haven't found an optimal treatment. Several hypotheses regarding depression exist; some include that the amounts of serotonin are reduced in the depressed brain and that other signal molecules may be altered. Many depressed people exhibit signs of stress and some demonstrate a state of inflammation. These hypotheses converge through tryptophan metabolism. Stress and inflammation can impact tryptophan metabolism in a way which increases potentially harmful products, but may additionally impact serotonin levels. The project suggests that tryptophan metabolism is altered in depression and investigates whether blood samples provide a good representative of the tryptophan metabolism occurring in the brain. Additionally, the effect of three different classes of antidepressants on tryptophan metabolism is characterized.

Further information
PhD student Amanda Eskelund
Email: ares@clin.au.dk
Phone: +45 7847 1141

5 September 2017 at 14:00

Auditorium (entrance 30)
Aarhus University Hospital Risskov
Skovagervej 2 - 8240 Risskov