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Almost all genetic risk factors for autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) can be found in people who are typically studied as ‘controls.’ This study…
Jens Cosedis Nielsen from Aarhus University has received a grant of DKK five million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation to improve the treatment of…
Nanna Brix Finnerup has been appointed professor at Aarhus University. In her new position she will continue her research into pain at the Danish Pain…
Ida Vogel from AU and AUH has just received a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The money will go towards developing and applying new methods of…
Anette Riisgaard Ribe from Aarhus University has just received a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation for research into multimorbidity –when a…
On 3 June, Jakob Christensen will defend his doctoral dissertation. The dissertation is the culmination of several years spent studying incidences,…
Christoffer Laustsen's research into a new MR scanning technique has now resulted in international recognition and an award that also provides…
TNU researchers Amanda Eskelund, Connie Sanchez , Betina Elfving, Gregers Wegener and others have just published the article "Female Flinders…
In collaboration with Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., scientists from Aarhus University have used X-rays to understand how the therapeutic antibody…
Researchers from TNU have just published articles in Psychopharmacology, European Journal of Pharmacology and European Neuropsychopharmacology.
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