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A new study from Center for Music in the Brain (MIB) shows that participants receiving oxytocin – a hormone known to promote social bonding – are more…
Researchers from Aarhus University have come closer to answering the question of how the brain defends itself against viral infections. In the long…
A new report from the Centre for Cyber Security (CFCS) under the Danish Defence Intelligence Service (DDIS) concludes that the cyber threat against…
Forty-six per cent of Aarhus University students completed the university-wide study environment survey, an increase of 1,844 over the most recent…
A major new EU project called ROADMAP intends to help find effective treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Aarhus University is involved in the…
With the appointment of Vera Ehrenstein, Aarhus University is getting a new professor with special responsibilities in the field of international…
The European Union has provided Aarhus University the trademark (wordmark) to the RUNSAFE word in a 10-year period.
Medical doctor and researcher Christian Wejse from Aarhus University has been honoured by Universities for Essential Medicines, which is a global…
Are the new recruitment procedures and guidelines at Health working? An evaluation will provide an answer in the course of the spring.
PhD and Associate Professor David Olagnier from The Department of Biomedicine at Aarhus University receives DKK 195,000 from the Riisfort Foundation.…
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