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Human cells from Denmark will be among the cargo when the next American SpaceX Dragon spacecraft lifts off for the ISS Space Station on 8 April. The…
Researchers from Aarhus BSS have developed the treatment programme Impulsive Lifestyle Counselling, which helps substance abusers who also suffer from…
Helt almindelige mennesker i alle aldre er med til at løse kvantefysiske problemer ved at spille computerspil. En aarhusiansk forskergruppe har på den…
Revenue is one of the parameters on which the calculation of the academic units’ contribution to financing the administration is based. Starting in…
The state-appointed forensic pathologist in Jutland, better known as the Department of Forensic Medicine at Aarhus University, can celebrate its…
New research reveals the mechanism behind a cancer-relevant inhibition of human sugar transporting protein. The hope is that this will guide future…
Flemming Bro has been appointed to a professorship affiliated with the Department of Public Health, where he will carry out research into developing…
A research team from Aarhus University has just received a substantial grant from the Lundbeck Foundation. The money will go toward basic research…
The Danish Council for Independent Research has donated a scholarship of DKK 1,867,131 to Qi Wu, postdoc at the Department of Biomedicine.
This year's summer party at Health features an allotment garden atmosphere, stand-up comedy with Jonatan Spang and live music with the Jungle Boogie…
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