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The application deadline for the September enrolment in the research year at Health has now expired with a record number of applications from health…
The website StudentWelfare.au.dk can help students find inspiration and tools for dealing with challenges in their studies. Aarhus University’s…
How do I find the time to relax? How do I stay calm at exams? How should I use my study group? Many questions and challenges may arise during your…
A new study from Aarhus University shows that people who have recently lost their partner have an increased risk of developing atrial fibrillation (an…
Junior Researchers Project 2016 has been launched. Last weekend, 240 upper secondary school students came together for the first of two meetings. The…
Aarhus University has just submitted the so-called self-evaluation report to the Danish Accreditation Institution. An important milestone has thus…
The right prioritisation of resources for the many digitisation initiatives is essential in order to ensure that AU focuses on the projects which…
Health and oral and dental disease are of crucial importance for the rest of the body. There is increasing international focus on this. But in…
Data collection on nearly 900 recreational runners included in the 24 week randomized trial has just been completed.
In this blog post, University Director Arnold Boon explains how process optimisation can help the university improve its business processes in order…
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