Aarhus University Seal

Improve your well-being as a student

How do I find the time to relax? How do I stay calm at exams? How should I use my study group? Many questions and challenges may arise during your studies, and AU has made an overview of how to get help if you need it.

Being a student is great, but it isn’t always easy. That is why we’ve created the site StudentWelfare.au.dk, so that you can make the most of your time as a student at AU. On this site, we have gathered a number of tools and exercises that may be helpful if you are struggling with for example exam anxiety, stress or how to plan your studies. The site also contains contact information for all the people who are ready to help if you encounter other challenges during your studies.

StudentWelfare.au.dk provides one point of access to all of our available offers if you want to improve your well-being as a student.
